When it comes to dental implant procedures, the most challenging thing in dentistry is to maintain the hard tissues around the implant head. This supports the soft tissues to develop and sustain the natural gingival contours. All of this can only be determined by implant connection.
Having a stable connection without any formation of micro-gap during the procedure would prevent any bacterial infestation and colonization of such connection with endotoxin production that can affect the peri-implant bone levels. The tapered connection, specifically developed by Biohorizon Dentals, helps in preventing such mishaps. Let’s get to know their beneficial features.
What are the advantages of Tapered implants?
Instant implant placement
Tapered designs are more widely in use in modern dentistry rather than straight-walled implants. The main advantageous fact about tapered implants developed by Biohorizon is that they are ideal for instant dental implant placement. The tapered implants are some Hi-Tech implants well-designed for narrow gaps with root proximity with both adjacent teeth. Tapered implants are placed at the same time as the natural tooth is being extracted for the best result.
Higher stability
In the case of tapered implants, an appropriate pre-drilling technique is applied to their shape for insertion into the bone. This way, the tapered implants will gradually gain increased contact pressure with their surrounding bone areas, which helps in providing high primary stability. This projects less risk regarding labial perforation because of reduced apical diameter from all directions.
Immediate restoration
Tapered implants provide high insertion torque to the implant areas. With the special screw designs specifically made by Biohorizon, the tapered implants help in immediate restoration. Even though there is an indication of tapered implants for all kinds of bone quality, this technique shows a significant advantage over soft bone. The tapered implants condense bone locally, so it could provide more stability to the dental implants.
After the final restoration was placed in the follow-up procedure, the dentist performs X-rays and measures other clinical variables. They observe how the bone level is changing through a periapical radiograph to determine the stability of bone growth over the shoulder of the implant. You can contact Dental Implant Technologies to know more about tapered implants.